Scientometrics is the science of measuring and analyzing science, which measures the scientific productions of researchers and organizations in the form of quantitative variables. Scientometric indicators include quantitative and quality evaluation indicators of scientific output that can be used as a basis for evaluating and ranking academic staff members, educational groups, colleges, universities, research centers and countries.

Scientometric goals

1. An index for evaluating the position of research in the university.

2. An index for evaluating the quality of research in the university.

3. An index to evaluate the scientific productivity of the university.

4. An index to evaluate the degree of success of the university in achieving its educational-research goals.

5. An index to identify the state of the university's scientific progress in different subject areas.

6. An index to identify the most effective faculty member and researcher in the university in the subject areas.

7.Improving the status of the university's scientific output (quantitative and qualitative).

Last Update date : Dec 19 2022